Sunday, March 24, 2013


With people having various opposing viewpoints in morality, protesting has become more and more common. Yelling out and holding signs containing words to inform others of these views may not give immediate results, but throughout history it has made long-term impacts. Sometimes, though, the opposition to the protesting is so strong that counter-protesting deems necessary.

Those 100% against abortions are still often regularly protesting at Planned Parenthoods - a pregnancy center that provides them as one of their services - but as an annual tradition on the religious holiday "Good Friday" including the one this week many more, including hundreds more for a single location, are planning on doing so. To not let those protestors "win," this organization is asking those who can to counter-protest there. In addition, there will be a financial counter-protesting by having people pledge money for every protestor against this organization because of its abortion services. This is not just any ordinary competition but rather one that is strictly because of one's values.


  1. Charity - it's interesting to me that so many people get to have a say in what we do with our bodies. Thanks for writing about protests and counter-protests and PP.

  2. You're welcome! Most of my life I was passively "pro-life" because that was the way I grew up, including being shown a video partly about it at a religious school I went to in high school. However because of realizing I may have to make the "choice" about it personally and finding myself in a bad situation with the guy a few months ago, I decided that every woman should have the option in making that choice.

  3. I'll mark this on my calendar for next year. I personally never thought Roe v. Wade. would ever come near being taken away. It's medieval to me. Thanks for the info.
