Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello Spring Goodbye Winter

Hello Spring Goodbye Winter

Most Minnesotans are hoping that the spring weather is right around the corner.  The long winter months involving shoveling snow and poor traffic are starting to lose the interest of the people.  Winter outdoor activities such as hockey, sledding, building a snowman, and skiing are beginning to be too repetitive.  The cold weather and massive amounts of layers are also something the majority of people are looking forward to transitioning out of. 

Spring marks the beginning of shorts and outdoor activities that are much easier to do on the fly.  Not to mention the amount of time needed to get from point A to point B is a little shorter because you don’t need to factor in poor driving conditions into your day.  Winter was always one of my favorite seasons because I’m one of the few oddballs who enjoy all that comes with winter in Minnesota.  This past semester however I took a volleyball course that encouraged students to find ways to continue playing the sport once the class was completed.  This assignment got me incredibly excited for the outdoor activities one can do during the spring and summer seasons. 

I began looking into different volleyball leagues, as well as co-ed softball teams.  Growing up I’ve always been a very active person and was very involved in sports.  This course has shown me the importance to incorporate that into my life now even if it’s not to the same competitive level I once played. I have gotten groups of friends to partake on these teams as well as find running buddies to compete in 5Ks or maybe even a 10K.  This May, a few friends and myself will be running in the Run or Dye 5K.

Staying active and finding outdoor activities that motivate you are incredible important.  It’s essential to find at least one hobby you can devote time to because everyone needs to escape his or her daily routines and life every now and then.  Over the last few months I’ve been going through a transitional period just like the seasons will hopefully be doing soon.  I’ve learned a lot about myself and the things I need to make me happy and productive person.  It’s important to share this in hopes it can motivate others to try new things and get up and be active.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, if I was a runner, I'd join you. You have inspired me to identify a hobby that keeps me moving. What do they say? Failing to plan is planning to fail?
