Saturday, January 21, 2012

roaming around blogger and my mind

I'm roaming around our blog spot and learning stuff by bumping into it. This bumping feels uncomfortable and clumsy, but I get thrilled when I figure something out.

There are many things I haven't yet figured out, like: why my photo won't load in our blog area. Somehow I ended up in my Google account settings and loaded my photo there, thinking I would find it on our blog page. Well, it didn't show up on our blog page. I have no idea where it is showing up. I was able to navigate back to it, and I tried to delete it, and couldn't. When I find my patience, I'll return to my Google account settings, find the help icon, and ask it how to delete my photo.

(Andrew, I'm wondering if there will be any type of in-class, hands-on demonstrations for Twitter, etc. )

Jud, Celia, Jake and I met with Chris to discuss our project. I left our discussion feeling overwhelmed. I'm wondering if we're supposed to discuss our project on this blog site, or develop another one. Or maybe I should just email them my thoughts and concerns. Team, I'll email you sometime tomorrow. It was a great meeting and I'm looking forward to working with you.

Despite my grumbling about bumping into things, I am really excited to learn how to use social media as a tool for advocacy. And I did learn how to post a blog today!


1 comment:

  1. Lucy-

    I think we're all bumping around still, but we'll get there!

