Sunday, January 15, 2012

What I am hoping to learn/gain from this class

What I am hoping to learn/gain from this class: COMM 485 – Communicating with New Media
As I understand it, we are supposed to have a minimum of six blog posts for this class.  I am not sure if we are supposed to begin our own blog page, or if we may post here…
I am trying to make a habit of getting a jump on things when I am moved to… and this morning I was ‘nudged’ by Andrew’s  words yesterday about a blog post… so here goes.
I have created one blog before (this past November) and I post to it irregularly. I have not exactly stuck to the subject matter for which it was created… and I hope to change that with time, experience, knowledge and focus.
So, for this class…
I am excited to learn about the variety of new media tools that are available to us as communication professionals.  I hope to learn how to take a message (or messages) supporting an idea or cause, and develop, shape and channel that message into the specific media in which it will be dispersed.
I have not extensively used a wiki before to communicate, but more importantly, to consolidate thoughts, words and ideas from different people into a single coherent message.
I am interested in:
·         Learning how to begin, maintain, and develop a blog into a solid, focused tool for communication. 
·         Developing a better understanding SBCC and the participatory paradigm.
·         Beginning with a nearly non-existent, unknown organization/project, and finding out how far we go in the development of a campaign of advocacy in 16 weeks.
·         Learning how to effectively communicate and idea online, and how to change/shape the form of the message based upon the media in which it is presented and the audience to which it is directed.
·         Find out how to effectively use Twitter (as it seems to simply be Facebook in shorthand).

Just some thoughts as I begin a day of studying and project work.
Great day all!


  1. Thanks Nik for the post! You should check back on around the middle of the semester to see how we're doing on meeting your expectations for the class.

  2. Learning something new is great. The world was never the same. It is good to learn how to communicate others with new media. We will gain knowledge with our MDST 485 assignments.
