Friday, February 17, 2012


 “Almost any decision taken in narrow-minded self-interest is selfish if the people involved fail to consider – and heed – the larger global and political consequences of their actions.” – Mainwaring, Page 31
So far this is my favorite quote from the book and that is because, what I believe, are the deeper implications of this in regards to global issues.

Upon first reading this, the words ‘them’ or ‘they’ or ‘corporation’ surface in my consciousness. It is very easy to spot how corporations are polluting our ecosystem, and how international companies steal from other countries to enrich their shareholders, and how those same companies will transfer labor to foreign countries with little or no human rights protections.
But I believe the truth of this, the solution of this is much more simple.  I am the problem.

I empower the corporations and the organizations that ‘take from’ and do not give back (at least, give back with balance).  With the choice I make every single day on how I live my life, and what I stick in my mouth, and the products I use, and what I do with my free time, and how or what I drive…
These are all choices of a consumer.


noun /kənˈso͞omər/ 
consumers, plural
1.    1. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use
§  - consumer demand
2.    2. A person or thing that eats or uses something
§  - Scandinavians are the largest consumers of rye

Funny how this does not seem like a bad definition… WE are all consumers. Right?  Let’s look at the word consume.
/ [kuhn-soom] verb, -sumed, -sum·ing.

verb (used with object)

1.    to destroy or expend by use; use up.
2.    to eat or drink up; devour.
3.    to destroy, as by decomposition or burning: Fire consumed the forest.
4.    to spend (money, time, etc.) wastefully.
5.    to absorb; engross: consumed with curiosity.

So the question is, what small choice am I going to make today to change the REAL problem… that being, am I a slave to my ‘wants’?  Am I willing to be in integrity with myself, to begin with a small thing today, and hold onto that?  Can I remain in integrity with myself with just that one little thing? 
And with passing days, can I see other things I am willing to let go of? Things that I think define me, but in truth, do not.  And when I continue this, and remain in integrity with myself, what will my dream of tomorrow look like?

Or will I simply choose to put it off, and let that dream of tomorrow dwindle to nothing, because I did not have the courage to begin?
What choice will I make today?

1 comment:

  1. it's funny how if one could see a timelapse, and from an impossible perspective, the arc of one's life would waver back and forth, from loose and loopy to tightly walking "the path". i think we live our lives within our integrity and when we're out--maybe not immediately, maybe years later--we pull ourselves back in. i believe that once your eyes are opened, you can't really shut them again and forget what you've just witnessed. you can't ever truly go back to blissfully and ignorantly consuming although you'll sure as hell try to. to know is to realize responsibility...
