Monday, February 6, 2012

Is technology taking over our world?

Looking at how technology has evolved through the years from the time of the atari to the xbox and ps3 where there are games now that can be controlled without actually having a game controller! Technology is pretty amazing, but I think that is taking ourselves and make us dependent on it.

Take for example the cellphone. When you think of the word cellphone, it usually comes to our a mind, a device that is used to make phone calls while we are on the go, right? And that's how it used to be and still is, but is more complex now.

I work for T-Mobile and this last week I had a customer who was set into her old ways. We spent a lot of time talking about different devices , both smartphones and basic phones, and throughout the conversation she was telling me about her 30 year old son who was taught by a 6 year old on how to use the internet on a smart phone! If we actually think about that, that is just huge, because you can think "well what can a 6 year old teach me?" Now a days with technology, a kid can teach adults more than they can teach them. We also hear of kids and teens who hack into this super advanced computer systems in the matter of hours and days, but it would take the government to decipher a code weeks or months. Is just amazing what technology can do for us.

But also having advanced technology has its consequences, it has made our civilization, lazy and dependable on machiines, and I see it with cellphones, people assume that just because they have a smartphone, the phone is supposed to solve all of their problems, and we have become picky with our purchaes too. Before it didn't matter all of this stuff that a phone can do, before all we cared was for the phone to make phonecalls, now if the phone doesn't talk back to us when we give it an order, then the phone is no good.

I could go on and on about this topic, but I don't want to make it too long, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. makes me think of the scene in one of the Matrix movies where Neo is hanging out with some old bureaucrat down in the bowels of Zion....talking about the dependence on the machine. How u gonna make toast without a toaster?
