Sunday, February 19, 2012


For the class assignment I reviewed Tumblr, Posterous, Path, and Pinterest, finally deciding Posterous would be a great place to begin to develop a website where I could develop a personal site, collectively organize unusual phenomena, and learn how to utilize the attributes of this site for the promotion and avocacy of organizations.. 

Admittdly, it has been a struggle utilizing Facebook to gather images and ideas together (such as the Fibonacci sequence, information on the ancient Mayans, the Golden Ratio, henges, crop circles, DNA structuring, frequencies and sound waves, etc/) into a format where ideas can grow or connections between such unusual subjects could be made.

This is simply because the design of Facebook is not conducive to organizing more complex ideas, but more suited to 'chronologial driveby's' of ideas and experiences.

I look forward to exploring more of what Posterous has to offer, and may write another post here once I learn more.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm. Interesting topics. Check out the Denver Airport Conspiracy and see what is being said about the deployment of the USS Enterprise which is being deployed to the Persian Gulf.

    I'm waiting for the pinterst thing but will check out posterous as I have a travel website that I'm thinking of developing.
