Monday, April 29, 2013


All of us in Minnesota remember the collapse of the I-35 bridge collapse but are we alone in the nation, in this tragedy, or is it a bigger problem?

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 report card, they give America’s total infrastructure a rating of a D+.  Really? A D+ as a college student I would be truly disappointed if I were to receive this grade and I would truly try anything to get that score up. 

So, how about the state of just the other bridges in America?  According to the bridges in America get a slightly better grade of C, with 26 percent of the bridges in America being considered structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

So this begs us to ask why in a nation as powerful as ours our infrastructure is so horrible and nothing in being done about it?  Why are we not spending more money to fix this problem? Why are we giving money to other nations when our own is in such need of repair?  I would think that I-35 would act as a wake-up call but almost 6 years after the collapse and we are still getting such poor grades. 

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