Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wonderful. Just Wonderful. Social Media Again Embarrasses Someone in Government - but 15 at Once?

I love this photo.

Senate Hearing on Long-Term Unemployment Last Thursday

Guess the correct answer to this question: 

Where are all the lawmakers at this important Senate hearing on long-term unemployment?
  1. Someone heard the Mr. Frosty ice cream truck outside.They'll be right back.
  2. Someone said they saw a gen-u-ine gold dollar coin under here somewhere. It's mine I think. Pardon while we all look.
  3. Nobody decided to show up.
If you chose the answer three, then - DING, DING, DING - you win!

Well, you almost win. To our credit, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar was the only lawmaker who showed up on time. Granted she is the committee's vice-chair. While I really want to give her credit, the critical thinker in me wonders if she just pulled the short straw, or someone double-dared her.

It seems none of the other 18 highly paid senators - democrats and republicans alike - decided addressing long-term unemployment is important considering the wonderful state of our economy.

Niraj Chokshi's Tweet
Not until Niraj Chokshi, a smart journalist reporting for the National Journal Reporter decided to tweet the above photo, did a few senators begin to trickle in. Eventually three other Senators arrived, probably scuffing their shoes on the expensive carpet we all paid for as they sullenly made their way to cushy leather armchairs. I wonder if the guys testifying felt relieved or insulted, "Helloooo. is anyone there?"

Social media, especially Twitter, once again proves its value at exposing what before would probably have gone unseen.

Check out the National Journal Reporter article.
Some of the Tweets about this are also interesting.

This is my blogging exercise 2


  1. Our government, hard at work. Can they send a person in tn their stead if they are unable to attend, I wonder?

  2. They probably were taking their time showing up because they were busy with their twittering tweets themselves...
