Thursday, March 8, 2012

This is what we're talking about...brilliant

I just watched this YouTube 'movie' that is a brilliant example of the very thing we are discussing and working on in class. It covers just about every theme we've discussed, except the use of corporate entities. Rather they are targeting as you'll see in the video, 'culture makers' ie, celebrities and policy makers. Not sure what relationships may or may not exist between them and any corporations or business interests. But its an ingenious appeal to a new paradigm of people looking out for people without regard for borders or positions. I'm inspired

And I've given up trying to insert the link or imbed the link......AAAH!


  1. Great share and post, Matthew. Saw this on FB just as I was going to drift off last night. Stayed up an extra hour ('til 1:30 AM) to watch it.

    Agreed, this is what we shoud aspire to, and more.

  2. Glad I watched. The information was excellent and well prepared. I feel bad about his breakdown and I hope that doesn't derail the 4/20 campaign.
