Saturday, March 17, 2012

The True Cost of Oil

A brief word about the largest industral project in the history of the world.

 Red's Alberta Oil Sands post

1 comment:

  1. Its these things that really get me fired up. I watched a documentry about the oil companies i think it was in the amazon and once they used up the resources they left all there crap behind and its now killing the locals at a ridiculous rate. My idea for this is to use social media not to go after the companies, i think trying to fight money, without money, is a joke. I like the approach of making the top CEO's and shareholders of these companies a target for humilation and ridicule. Find out who they are, where they live,who is in there family and use social media to destroy them on a individual level. These big shots destroy lives, kill families, destroy the enviroment, lie and everything else. I have yet to see anyone go after them personally and they are the ones making the decisions not the COMPANY name. So expose them and there families, post lies(they do) embaress there families and children(they do alot worse than that to families) and make the big shots feel it on the home front, like everyone else does. Then these fools(CEO's and shareholders) might not be so quick to pass on the oppurtunity to properly conduct buissness and clean up there messs when they are done.
