Thursday, April 26, 2012

BP Oil Spill: Oh, Yeah, I Remember That...

We’re starting to be treated to the aftermath photos of the latest oil spill in our nation’s history. Pictures of deformed fish, shrimp and other sea creatures are beginning to surface as well as articles and videos. I had truly put the whole thing out of my mind until this recent revival occurred. It started with an article from Al Jazeera describing the recent developments:

“Shrimp without eyes, crabs without claws and a fishing industry in decline”.

No, that’s no horrifying at all. Maybe if it was people without eyes, infants without hands and healthy childbirths in decline people like me wouldn’t completely forget or ignore disasters like this.

We talk a lot about awareness in class and believe me, we were all aware that this was going on when it was fresh. With so many distractions in the world in our daily lives and on the internet we can lose touch pretty easily. If we don’t remain aware and remind each other about what’s going on in the world, we may lose touch. 

1 comment:

  1. Great video.

    I actually felt bad for the Former US Senator from Louisiana, Jay Bennett Johnson. It seems obvious he is sitting in for special interests ...ahem (BP) ...ahem ...And he has no leg to stand on.

    It's as if the entire spill, millions of dollars in industry, lost family businesses, polluted beaches, careers and the mutated and devastated wildlife would all be okay if we just read that sheet of paper he has in his hand.

    Uncomfortable situations give us the most growth. I hope he is able to reflect.
