Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Marriage Amendment

My dad recently posted this on his Facebook page:

I couldn't have said it better myself. I have gay family members and friends; therefore I am and always have been a strong supporter of gay rights. Frankly,  even if I thought I didn't know anyone who was gay (cause let’s get real, we all do), I would support gay rights. This topic has always tried to be in the forefront of politics but with issues such as war, the economy, and the environment, it often gets pushed to the wayside.

However, this year in November, there will be a Marriage Amendment on the Minnesota ballot. This amendment will define marriage as one man and one woman. I urge you to oppose this amendment.

There has been an outpouring of social media surrounding this amendment. I Plan to Vote NO to the MN Marriage Amendment on the November 2012 Ballot is a Facebook group with over 25,000 likes. There are thousands of tweets, youtube videos and conventional media articles about this topic as well. 

This video, makes a lot of very important points about the subject. I urge you to investigate this topic for yourself. 


  1. I really like that video. I am going to have to share that one! Thank you for posting!!! And for voting NO!

  2. Thanks for posting this! The hysteria surrounding this issue is so ridiculous. People in the GLBT community are asking for basic human rights that many heterosexuals take for granted. Kim Kardashian marries and creates a media blitz, and subsequently furthers her career.(whatever her career is supposed to be… I still don't know) Meanwhile, many gay people are rejected by their own flesh and blood because they are gay, and choose to identify themselves as a gay person. Simply by doing that, they must rebuild their family within the gay community. That is, if they're fortunate enough to be able to do so. This builds upon an even larger assumption that this lifestyle is a choice to antagonize the political right. This is so frustrating!
