Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kiva (Micro Lending)

Kiva.org is a micro lending website. People who visit the site are able to read a variety of peoples stories. The people on this site are seeking a loan. I first found this website when I took Macroeconomics. I looked over it and it is a important website. People in other countries are seeking multiple twenty five dollar loans. The loans are used to improve the person's business.

Micro lending is interesting because of how a thousand(s) dollars of twenty five dollar+ loans for an individual can drastically improve there well being and having the ability to expand. This website is a powerful tool to extend a person's reach to help others. On the site they claim to have a 98% payback rate. Not only are people getting their money back it proves that people want the opportunity to improve. They (Kiva.org) also have a twitter account where people are proud to say they are a lender.

Click here to view the site

This is their Twitter

1 comment:

  1. I looked over the site, and I appreciate how straightforward Kiva appears with their risk assessment. No five point font legal language to decipher when I decide to purchase goats or sheep.
