Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Annoyed by Occupy

March, chant, and peaceably assemble to your heart’s content, but share a message that makes sense.

I am extremely grateful that we live in a nation where you can speak out against injustice as an individual or in a group, without fear.  Taking it to the streets is an effective way to make a point.  I admire protestors because they are passionate enough about their cause to carry signs and shout about it.  My admiration turns to annoyance, though, when the shouting just doesn’t make any sense.  Here is and Occupy MN protest about a foreclosure, which is an example of a movement without a sensible message.

Nobody gets foreclosed on because their bank doesn’t like them.  There’s a very specific process that must be followed.  People lose their houses because they can’t afford them and they stop making their payments.  I understand that it’s sad because we’re talking about a person’s home, but that person got a loan, promised to pay it back through monthly installments, and failed to honor that promise.

I fully support bringing predatory practices to light.  If banks are maliciously foreclosing on people for no valid reason, I’d very much like to hear the details painted on signs and chanted in the streets.

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