Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Surly Gives a Damn

As a part of becoming a We First society, consumers can start by rewarding brands that are taking steps to make sure they’re being sustainable. Think about the things you use most often.  The things you buy on a weekly or even daily basis.  One of those things, for me, is craft beer. 

If you’re looking for a brewing company that embodies the We First attitude, you don’t need to look any further than Brooklyn Center.  Surly Brewing Company brews beer that makes you feel good.  Not just because of the higher than average alcohol content, but also because Surly gives a damn.  No really!  Surly donates to local causes and rounds up volunteers as part of a program they call Surly Gives a Damn.  They get involved in local events including food drives, blood drives, community clean up, and housing projects by motivating large groups of volunteers and rewarding them with free beer. 

Let’s reward Surly for this very un-surly behavior by liking them on Facebook, following them on Twitter, or just simply buying their beers which can be found in cans at local liquor stores or on tap at numerous local restaurants and bars. 

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