Monday, June 18, 2012

Don't Be Fooled by Politicians

The debate over gay marriage has been dividing people across the country for years. While there have been some victories for those who support the right of same sex couples to be married, they are still in the minority across the nation. However, attitudes seem to be shifting as the younger generations come into their own. Just last month, many people celebrated a “monumental” announcement by President Barack Obama who came out and voiced his support for same sex marriages.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am not a person who is very politically active. I stay very informed of current events and politics, but I do not have strong opinions about many issues including gay marriage. One constant political theme I do have a strong opinion about though, is the consistent disingenuous behavior of politicians and their continual treatment of the American public as morons.

Obama's latest announcement is just another example of a high profile politician making a cheap play to garner more support before an upcoming election. I find it offensive when politicians do stuff like this. Obama clearly does not really care about same sex marriage. He denounced it in his previous presidential campaign. He did not speak up in favor of it until now, as he jockeying for position against Mitt Romney coming into election season. He only made his announcement after having his vice president announce his support a few days earlier to see if there would be any negative windfall.

This is not a condemnation of Barack Obama. He is by no means the first politician to lie to the American people and expect them to believe it in an attempt to gain votes and he definitely won’t be the last. It is not a condemnation of the gay marriage movement, in fact I don’t see why same sex marriage isn’t legal.  This is simply me asking everybody to please stop and think next time a politician tells them something. Think about the context. Think about the politician’s history. Think about the situation and possible benefits for the politician.

The only way to put a stop to politicians treating us like we are fools is to quit accepting their B.S. like fools.

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