Thursday, June 21, 2012

Freedom of Speech: Becoming Free Again?

Recently there's been a debate on whether or not America has "too much" censorship going on - be in on TV or Radio, on the internet, or (God forbid) on public streets. Perhaps this may be taking a turn for the better with the Supreme Court ruling that off-the-cuff cursing or nudity is not something that the FCC can fine for. Hooray, freedom!

But wait. If you live in a certain Massachusetts town, you can actually be fined $20 for swearing in public. Sounds like a really old law, but it's been changed so they can actually fine someone for it. Boo, censorship.

What is this country coming to? Since when is it against the law for me to say a certain word, or speak my mind about something I care deeply about? Why can't I, in a country formed around freedom, actually be free to do what I want? Will it hurt anyone else if I smoke in my car? What if I don't wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle?

The United States has something called the Bill of Rights, which lets us do certain things (one of which is to speak freely). I think we're slowly sinking into a hole where we'll find ourselves not able to dig out. Soon, I won't be able to say "fluffycat tubesock" without getting a slap on the wrist. Is the quote pointless? Absolutely. However, if I want to say it, I think I'm entitled to.

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