Monday, June 18, 2012

Donating used items

I'm not a very materialistic person, I don't spend a lot of money (mostly because I don't have any money to spend) but even if I do it is on things that are important right now like food, school, and daily necessities. I usually think it is ridiculous when people always need to next new, better, hotter items on the market, but yesterday I caught myself being pretty hypocritical.

I was driving with my sister and I was complaining about how much I hate my car. I drive an old '95 Oldsmobile Eighty-Eight Royale. It's the car I got back in high school and it's basically something I'd classify as an old grandpa/grandma car.

It's not that I hate my car because it's in bad shape, or it doesn't run well, it actually runs just fine and is in pretty amazing shape for a 17 year old car. I don't or should say didn't like it because I thought it seemed embarrassing because everyone around me seems to be driving really nice brand new or practically new cars.

My sister basically opened my eyes and told me not to worry about getting a car, that I should be thankful for what I have and be happy that it gets me from point A to point B, and that a majority of people don't even have cars.

I thought about what she said and started researching places that I would be able to donate it to once it gets into bad shape or once I save up enough for a new car.

I found a few organizations that take your donated cars and use them towards good causes. These are a few I've found:

 These are just a few of the places I've found, there are many more online.

As many of you know, it's not just cars that you can donate, it's clothing, furniture, books, etc. I feel like the bad economy has stopped us from donating though. A lot of people turn to places who take old items and turn them into cash.

My hope is that when the economy turns around we will go back to donating to help the less fortunate.

What are some of your favorite places you donate used items to?

1 comment:

  1. I donated my old car when it finally died. I was told later that it went to an after school program for at-risk youth learning auto repair.
