Monday, June 18, 2012

Please Stop Wasting my Tax Money

                I am not by any means a politically active person. I tend to fall on the conservative side a number of issues, but am fairly apathetic about a number of “hot button” issues that seem to get people worked up. You will never catch me outside carrying signs and chanting like an “occupy Wall Street” idiot.

                However, there is one ongoing issue that has been annoying me for years. This issue was again in the headlines today. Roger Clemens was acquitted of all of the obstruction of justice and perjury charges that he has been battling for the last five years after testifying in front of a congressional council investigating the usage of steroids in professional baseball.  Now that the federal government has failed to convict Clemens on any charges, I am hoping that they will realize it is time to stop. Stop embarrassing our federal government. Stop wasting everybody’s time. Most importantly, STOP WASTING OUR TAX DOLLARS ON INVESTIGATING STEROIDS IN SPORTS.

                The past decade has been riddled with accounts and accusations of the rampant usage of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports, mainly Major League Baseball. The nation’s baseball fans have seen numerous big names and legends shamed by failed drug tests or accounts of their past use. Being a huge sports fan, I can understand the disappointment felt by fans everywhere finding out that the game they love and the players they idolize are tainted.

                However, this is a Major League Baseball problem. Baseball is a game. It exists solely as a form of entertainment. It is not a matter worthy of the federal government spending extensive time and resources on it. It was bad enough that congress held a series of hearings about five years ago to gain an understanding of the extent of use throughout the league and gain knowledge of potential users. It didn’t end there though.

                After their hearing accomplished absolutely nothing, they went on to pursue drawn out investigations and trials against both Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, who have become the “faces” of the steroids scandal. Both of the investigations lasted upwards of four years and featured multiple trials. At a time when our nation is in a financial mess and facing an astounding amount of debt, our federal government was spending tens of millions of dollars trying to prove that two washed up baseball players lied to them about using steroids over a decade ago. Who the hell cares?

                I hope that they take the latest jury’s verdict for what it is. They are not just saying acquit Roger Clemens. It is bigger than that. The jury speaks for the rest of the nation, saying quit with the whole crusade. It is time to give it up and get back to doing some real work for the tax payers who pay your salaries.

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