Thursday, June 21, 2012

Eric Holder Contempt: Political or Warranted?

The debate over US Attorney General Eric Holder's conduct with regard to the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal has gotten much attention over the last few weeks, and a few days ago, the House Committee voted (along party lines) to hold him in contempt of Congress. This means that the House now gets to weigh his fate. The problem in all of this is that it's very obviously a partisan issue, in a very heated election year. On one side, the Democrats believe that the actions on the part of the GOP-controlled committee are just part of a political "witch hunt" - a smear campaign on Obama and his party. On the other side, the Republicans feel that Eric Holder is very obviously hiding something, and the public has a right to know the truth.

My personal feeling is that there is obviously something going on here. While this isn't necessarily "news" to anyone, the point is that someone, on one side or the other, has an agenda that does not have the people's best interests in mind. Be it safety or national security, someone's lying - someone's hiding something. Why aren't we allowed to know the truth? Who's hiding what from us?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree. We should be allowed to know the truth. Not that either party is any good at preserving "freedom" at this point, but it's pretty clear that Holder is hiding something.

    Meta: Why does it seem like all AGs do now is work to preserve the secrecy, abuses, and other bad behaviors of the administrations they represent? Ach, don't get me started.

    Good post!
