Sunday, May 5, 2013


Its mind boggling the things people have said in the birth control debate. In an article published by the huffingtonpost, a summary of statements were made. These statements included:

It causes older men to take advantage of young girls.
It allows people to have sex for fun.
It causes abortions.
It’s basically free already.

Statements like these were made by people who do not take or need birth control. Birth control will NOT cause older men to take advantage of younger girls. Men, who take advantage of young girls, know exactly what they are doing and should be put away for a long time. How would men know these girls are on birth control anyways? What harm does birth control do? If anything, there are probably more positive things that comes out of taking birth control than negative things.

1 comment:

  1. The "it allows people to have sex for fun" facepalms me the most. As someone who went from conservative religious (because, surprise, of growing up that way) to liberal anti-religious my view of pre-marital sex is now of freedom amongst consenting adults. And those who are still against it due to their religion (and against birth control, especially for thinking that sex is only for pro-creating) still shouldn't try to dictate others getting birth control through their health insurance. Freedom of religion includes meaning freedom from laws only being put into place because of people's religious views.
