Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yes, Another Same-Sex Marriage Rant

So there's really no public issue that I'm more passionate about than the quest for marriage rights for same-sex couples. Not surprising as I've been with my partner for almost 7 years. (How is that possible you
ask, you are so young! But it's true.) I'm not just passionate, I would say I'm obsessed. I literally go on Google News and type in "gay marriage" and "same-sex marriage" several times a day looking for any news on it.

This has been the most frustrating few months since the legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota was introduced. Most legislation gets voted on pretty shortly after it passes committee. But this bill has been sitting until it is known that the bill will pass. And so far, with 2 weeks left in the legislative session, it doesn't have the votes yet. There is an article in the Pioneer Press today that explains the numbers.This is great because I've been wondering how close or far the bill was from a vote.

So I'll get to my point. It is absolutely ridiculous that marriage rights for same-sex couples is being put to a popularity contest in the first place. How can the rights of a minority group be subjected to the will of the majority?

On the positive side, it's finally been established that there is no legitimate logical reason to deny same-sex couples marriage rights except for religious reservations. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports same-sex marriage as good for children. The states that allow same-sex marriage have some of the lowest divorce rates in the country, proving that same-sex marriages aren't suddenly destroying anyone else's marriages.

The only argument that continues to exist against same-sex marriage is religion. Now, I could argue many facts about religion like Jesus never speaking on homosexuality. I could argue that divorce has many times more bible passages against it in the bible than homosexuality. But the fact is that I don't have to debate religion because we are not a theocracy.

When it's so easy to prove that law is based solely in religion, how can it still exist? I am pissed that we even have to try to "change people's minds" on this issue. It shouldn't matter if some one is opposed on religious grounds. They shouldn't get a vote. I shouldn't get a vote. It's a law that has no logical defense, which was evident at the Supreme Court hearings, where nearly no defense of the laws was presented. Far more time was spent discussing whether the cases had the proper standing to be heard at all than defending the discriminatory laws. The laws that prohibit marriage will obviously eventually be stricken down. Even Rush Limbaugh admits gay marriage is inevitable.But why hasn't it happened yet? And why do we have to continue to fight tooth and nail state-by-state to get these rights when everyone admits that religious objections are the only holdout?

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