Friday, May 3, 2013

TF2: Gesundheit!!!

Team Fortress 2 was released in 2007 as part of the Orange Box set. Since it's release, it has been a sure-find in a Gamer's collection.

It's hard to say what makes TF2 so much fun, despite being almost 6 years old. It's graphics are sub-par by comparison (Skyrim, GTA4) and it's gameplay is just like any other online shooter. When asked why it was so addicting, one gamer simply said "I'm gonna headbutt ya! I'm gonna headbutt ya! I'm gonna headbutt ya!". I'm not sure what that means, but I'll take it as a good thing!

Despite an old, outdated game engine, TF2 still gets frequent updates and content packages released. All of which can be downloaded for free. Furthermore, the game features unique items which can be traded to other players, or hoarded by individuals who seek to frustrate collectors. One collector replied quiet sternly when asked how he felt about hoarders. His response was: "
Feelings?! Look, mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards: Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." I can assume he isn't happy with hoarders.

With all the game gives, it takes just as much. I'm talking in regards to hours spent wasted, playing a childs game. The humor within the pixelated world is relative to that found in your favorite Jackass episode. It's crude, surreal, and simply Cream Gravy!

So you ask me what game I recommend? Download TF2 from Steam, or stop by GameStop and get the Orange Box. You WILL NO be disappointed. With a 92/100 Meta rating 6 years after it's release, it's gotta be doing something right.

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