Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Greatest Parade Ever!

So once again this year I was lucky enough to go to the MayDay Parade at Minneapolis' Powerderhorn Park. This parade is so great that it puts all the other parades I've ever attended to shame. For once the parade was also on an amazing day for weather. In fact I'm writing this with a sunburnt nose.

The MayDay Parade is put on every year by the In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, which is why this parade is the greatest ever. The costumes in this parade just blow me out of the water every year.With this parade you won't find some lame car with banner on the side. In fact you won't find any cars at all. There are no motorized vehicles allowed in the parade.

The parade always has a theme (this year it's See the World) and tells a story. It's always something centered on the Earth and usually has a social justice theme. It's a totally hippie-fest which I love. But even if you don't, it's just a great parade to watch especially if you have kids. Although, that reminds me that some of the costumes can be a little frightening for some kids, as my 2 year-old nephew who had a meltdown this year demonstrated. So you might want to prep your kids by explaining that nothing there is scary, they're all made by people, show some pictures, etc.

 If you haven't been you need to check it out. I go to several parades a year: LGBT Pride, St. Paul Winter Carnival, Holidazzle (yuck), etc. But this parade is by far the best visually. It also doesn't hurt that it takes place in the spring instead of the dead of winter I suppose. I resisted my sister's invited to the parade for a couple years (it's hard to give up one of your first weekend days in May) but once I saw it for myself I swore I would never miss it again. I swear if you go you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. oh man! I love that parade. Usually (as was this year) we have some other commitment. I miss not seeing Heart of the Best puppet theater and all the drumming. Very pagan, the whole thing...
