Thursday, May 30, 2013

Party Planning - My All Time Favorite

I absolutely love planning parties and hope to one day turn it into a career. Ever since I can remember I loved creating things. Whether it was drawing, arts and craft or playing with Lego’s, I was doing it and loving it. As I got older I started to take my love for creating and made my birthday parties into theme parties (I mean, who doesn’t love a theme?!). My all time favorite (so far) was my 26th birthday and the theme was Studio 54. A friend of mine is a photographer so I “hired” her to be the paparazzi for the evening which made it so I got a ton of wonderful pictures of the night.  And if I may I'd love to share some with you.

Studio 54

In order for a theme to work your guests have to dress in appropriate attire for the event. And my friends were spot on!

In order to make it a Studio 54 party you definitely need a red carpet and wristbands to get into the party.


And what party wouldn't be complete without a bubble machine! Be careful though, bubble solution on wood floors becomes very slick. We learned that the hard way.


I also made sure to have a disco ball piƱata (filled with fake money and mini liquor bottles), plenty of decorations (as you can see in the background of most pictures), I created a VIP Lounge which lead out to our balcony and since it was Studio 54 I had to throw in candy that looked like drugs (ex. pixie sticks and mini gobstoppers in small baggies). Please note no actual drugs were present at this party. All my parties are drug free!

By the end of the night everyone had a wonderful time and that's all a host can ask for.  My place may have been a mess after it was all said and done, but it was all worth it and I'll definitely do it again.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I would love to have theme parties! Having a theme is important but even more important is that you have people that will DO the theme! That is what makes the party, willing participants! Looks like you have a good start on your future career.
