Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Romanian Revolution of 1989: the Power of Communication sans Social Media

(GP Blog Post 2)

My hometown of Timisoara is a cosmopolitan city situated within two hours of both the Hungarian and Yugoslavian border.  A bloody and violent event which left more than one thousand people dead, the Romanian Revolution started on December 15th 1989 as a street protest which spread to other major cities and generated a change of political regime. 
The spark event was the imminent eviction of Hungarian pastor Laszlo Tokes from his parish.  His protesting parishioners were joined by other church members, high school and University students and the general public, to form the largest anti regime protest of the Ceausescu era.  We didn't have cell phones, Facebook or Twitter.  Word spread and people gathered.  The regime forces opened fire killing almost one hundred people in one day.  It was tense, with snipers watching every major corner.
President Ceausescu went on television on December 20th denouncing the “terrorist” actions and organized a pro-regime demonstration in Bucharest the following day.  It backfired when people started chanting “Timisoara, Timisoara!”  On the 22nd, the “suicide” of the prime Minister was announced.  Yet, we knew the wave has changed!
As quoted by Hall, Russell asserts that most regimes do not change without “deflection” of the armed forces.  The Army showed a lot of force but ended up joining the 100,000 demonstrators.  The President and his wife were captured and executed on December 25th, after a summary trial that found them guilty of genocide. 

In conclusion, Romania was the only country in Eastern Europe where the regime collapse was made possible by the power of direct interpersonal communication during 1989, a time well before social media.  How’s that for word of mouth?
Hall, R. (2000). Theories of Collective Action and Revolution: Evidence from the Romanian Transition of December 1989. Europe-Asia Studies52(6), 1069-1093. doi:10.1080/09668130050143833.  Retrieved from 

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