Friday, June 21, 2013

Blog 1: College Tuition-1 Arm and 1 Leg Please

Do you ever feel like you have to give up your first born child or some body part when paying college tuition these days? Many college students (and parents) have felt the sting of skyrocketing tuition costs over the last 10 years and it appears that there is no end in sight. I found this Wall Street Journal article to be quite interesting especially considering there are examples from Minnesota.

Tuition has been on the rise for the past decade and it appears that now colleges are starting to make small steps towards alleviating the burden on students. Since enrollment rates are so low due to the high tuition costs, colleges are trying to sweeten scholarships and grants in order to persuade students to enroll in their college. Although this is a positive thing for the select students who receive these grants, it can be disheartening and detrimental to the finances of those who do not.

I think that something needs to be done about tuition prices but I don't think it should be done on an individual basis. If the universities and government do not come up with a solution, enrollment in colleges will continue to decline and that will have rippling effects such as layoffs to instructors, decreased quality of education and possible closing of some institutions.

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