Friday, June 21, 2013

GMOs and Chipotle

Chipotle and I have a love-hate relationship. My stomach loves Chipotle, but my wallet cries every time I buy one of their ever so delicious bowls.  Chipotle is on the expensive side for "fast" food, but I also know that I am getting quality meat, vegetables, and of course, guacamole!   Recently, Chipotle began labeling GMOs ( or, genetically modified objects, or in this case ingredients) making them the first restaurant to do this type of labeling.  If you didn't already know, GMOs in food are crops that have been modified through genetic techniques, GMOs are kind of a big deal right now and there's a lot of controversy surrounding whether GMOs are good or bad.

Understanding GMOs is important to me because I care what I put inside my body and because it's a fairly new type of cloning, and not all the information is available to us.  According to this CNN video, GMOs lack nutrients and are modified through a process, taking them out of their natural state.  Chipotle is proud of this due to the fact that they have always had an open relationship with their customer, keeping things honest and real in hopes to create loyalty.

Chipotle is setting an example for other restaurants because we deserve to know what goes in our food and in our bodies.  Chipotle has admitted in interviews that they know they could potentially lose customers because of their new labeling, but compared to other restaurants I definitely think they are doing something positive for the consumer.  And as consumers, everyone should do their research on GMOs and whether or not they are ok having them in their food, and I think Chipotle is attempting to help raise that awareness.

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