Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Evenings (Fun Post #2)

I made such grand plans to stay on track for writing these six blogs and now here I am, at the proverbial wire, four blog posts to go. And while I have snippets scrawled in a notebook for each of the structured posts all I can think about while I sit in my slowly dimming living room is how delighted I am to be fortunate enough to enjoy another summer.

The windows are open and I hear cars, kids, frogs, and Tom Petty on my neighbors radio. It is so seldom that I sit like this and really listen. Most often at this time I am scurrying around trying to tie up the lose ends of the day; shuffling kids off to baths or bed, putting coffee on or wrapping up what seems like the fiftieth load of laundry of the day. But not tonight,  tonight I am satisfied to be nothing more than an observer, at least for the next ten minutes or so.

I love warm evenings like this. I love the feel of the slightest prickle of sweat from the stillness that turns to a chill when the breeze suddenly comes in through the east window. I love hearing the robins chirp out the last of their conversations before settling into the trees. And most of all I love how the ever repeating act of changing seasons can automatically transport me back thirty years. My hair is down and a little matted and my bare feet are black on the bottom and it pleases me to no end (of course unlike the ten-year-old me I will give in to the hygienic necessity of a good cool shower before slipping between the sheets) but not before enjoying a moment more of good old fashioned summer grunge.

The voices of my own children bring me back from summers spent at the pool, picking strawberries with my grandfather and playing "ghost in the graveyard" with my cousins. It is time to run those baths, get that coffee ground and pound out those other postings, but I still have had the ultimate satisfaction of enjoying the finer points of this one summer evening.

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