Friday, June 21, 2013

Blog Post 2: Excuses, Excuses

Since the economic downturn of 2008 the most commonly uttered excuse has been "because of the economy..." This is quite possibly the most annoying phrase I could ever hear at this point. Luckily, over the past year there has been substantial progress made in the unemployment and market activity that I don't believe we need to use that excuse anymore.

The first article specifically addresses the unemployment rate for Minnesota in the month of April. In this article it explains that Minnesota was at the lowest unemployment rate since the downturn in 2008. The rate of 5.4% is almost 2 percent less than the national average. If we were still in economic turmoil we would be much closer to, or even higher than the national average.

The second article illustrates the record highs for the Dow Jones Industrial Average this year. With multiple all-time high records set in May 2013 I would say it is hard to justify saying we are in a tough economy. This has not been the only positive economic activity that can justify the light at the end of the tunnel. We have been in a bull (rising) market since 2009. Quite a different story on paper than the public would have you believe.

After looking at the unemployment rate for the great state of Minnesota and reviewing the market activity for the past 4 years I would say it's unjustified for people to keep using the economy as an excuse for things being the way they are.

1 comment:

  1. Laughed pretty hard at your opening lines. Drives me nuts when people say that as well. Yes, we were all effected by the economic crash, but there is an obvious increase in jobs as well as the housing market. No, it's not exactly how it was before but it probably never will be. Great post, Lucas!
